The great Soviet film-maker Andrei Tarkovsky always carried a Polaroid camera with him. His son, Andrei A Tarkovsky, explains the background to some of the pictures."This is the view from my father's room in the country house in Myasnoye."
"My mother, Larissa Tarkovsky, and Dak in Myasnoye. You may find a lot of similarities of these pictures with Gorkachov's dreams in Nostalgia."
"This is my father's boat near our house in Myasnoye. He was greatly attached to that place, where he could isolate himself and work on his scripts - the first drafts of Stalker and The Sacrifice were written there. He used to take long walks and these pictures are the memories of those promenades."
"My mother in the dining room of our Moscow apartment."
"This is me and Dak in Vorobievi Gori, a park in Moscow, where we used to walk with my father."
... A ge-nius!